
Sarah Madsen

master herbalist, reiki master teacher

I started attending The School Of Natural Healing in 2009, and became certified as a Master Herbalist a few years later. Along with herbology I also studied midwifery, anatomy, nutrition, women’s health, men’s health and children’s health. 

In 2014, I finished my Usui Reiki Master, Teacher certification, and during that time I also began training to become a Shamanic Practitioner. The Shaman I worked with taught me Inca and Native American Shamanic practices. This intense healing work has completely transformed my life and I am passionate about doing “the work” and healing on all dimensions. This is why I not only offer herb and nutritional counseling, but I also teach meditation, Reiki and the power of using spiritual tools such as Taro and Angel card Readings, Astrology and Numerology.

This journey started for me about a decade ago when I decided to give birth to my children at home, without the use of Western Medicine. I have had four beautiful home births and I wouldn’t have done it any other way. I implemented all that I was learning about herbs and nutrition and I saw first hand the power of plants. From there I couldn’t stop learning, so I dug deep and started to really do “the work.” I had no idea what I signed myself up for. Learning about Reiki and Shamanism literally opened a vortex for me. It was a remembering. Bringing me back to myself. I am in awe of this Universe and in total gratitude. That is why this is my passion and I am so excited to be sharing my journey with you. 

Mahalo for being a part of it. 

My Philosophy

As a Master Herbalist, I believe in assisting the body not overriding it. I believe in working on the cause of an illness rather than the symptoms. I specialize in healing the body with herbs, whole foods, meditation and Reiki. We are multidimensional beings and as such to truly heal we must look at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual self. I will inform you of what foods and herbs to consume and which to stay away from. I will teach you healing meditations that open up your chakras, awaken and ground you, helping you to become your highest self. I offer transforming Reiki sessions to help you heal on the deepest levels. My goal is to teach and to educate so that you can become a healthier human being and be the catalyst for change within your own families and community. I never use herbs that are habit forming, toxic or have side effects. Only wildcrafted, certified organic or therapeutic grade herbs will be used for healing.

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